Born winner interview

Teaching video
Types of artificial implants?
As a lecturer, the most frequently asked by students is what brand of artificial implants do you use? What kind of artificial implants do you use? I will tell them ITI and Nobelco honestly. Because sharing my experience can save them unnecessary failure (the implant process) . But the answer I often hear is, but our dental implant charges are so low that we can’t afford such an expensive brand...

植牙矯正演講 金稻公司贊助 (1997)
Editor in Chief
Tess Anderson
Art Director

Dan Mitchell
Assistant Manager
Noah Patterson
Programming Editor
Implant risks?

植牙矯正演講 金稻公司贊助 (1997)
September 5, 1997

March 15, 1998

1999 04 19

April 22, 2000

2013 10 15
Every implant process must have so-called implant risks. But with the accumulation of experience, your dental implant failure rate and sequelae will gradually decrease. The following video will introduce in detail how to avoid implant failure and sequelae during dental implantation.
Dental implant process? Dental implant failed?
In the process of dental implantation, you will definitely encounter implant failure or even dental implant sequelae. This is inevitable, as long as any operation is absolutely impossible to be 100% successful. But the failure rate and sequelae of good doctors are almost zero. But if you are just learning, you can often practice surgery outside the mouth...
Speech topic: Dental implants and all-ceramic crowns
Date: October 16, 2016 Topic: Dental Implants and All-ceramic Crowns
Speakers: 80 dentists Organizer: Northern Taiwan Implant Society Goal: Sharing and cultivation...

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Lectures in the second half of 2017 :

Many patients will ask me, "Doctor Huang, you are so tired at work, why do you still go to lecture?". In fact, the idea in my mind is that I cannot be young forever, and I hope to share my experience with the next generation. I know I don’t have much time to rest. While others were still sleeping, I was already on the high-speed rail to the destination of my next speech.
But everything is worth it. Personal success is not sustainable. It is my dream to continuously cultivate the next generation.
Wish an

2017 09 17 台北場
今天的演講從早上九點到下午五點,對講師及學生都是漫長的一天.但當我看到所有的學生都那麼的用心,想到的是當初的我.今天分享的主題是拔牙補骨(GBR). 雖然只是簡單的三個英文字母的簡寫,但是包含的範圍非常廣泛了,一天應該是分享不完的.