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Dental implant costs

Chapter 1: 我的選擇 ?

Chapter 1,2

Chapter 3,4

Chapter 5,6

Chapter 7,8

Chapter 9,10

Toronto Dental Clinic


45 Yanji Street, Taipei City

(02) 2570-3456

(02) 2570-1235

Chapter 1: My choice?


Whether from the media or the Internet, we have all heard of artificial dental implants. But what exactly is an artificial dental implant? In fact, artificial implants have another name, called artificial roots. This term may be easier to understand. In other words, when our tooth roots have a problem and can no longer be used for dentures, we can use a new artificial tooth root to replace the original broken tooth root. Let's look at the diagram. The left side is our own teeth, and the right side is the artificial root. We will find that the purpose of a good dental implant is to simulate our own roots. No matter in appearance or function, a successful dental implant can be comparable to your original teeth.

Tooth implants are made of titanium metal roots with good bone affinity, and artificial roots are replaced by artificial roots through surgery to restore the occlusal and chewing function. After waiting for complete healing, use this artificial tooth root to install the denture on it, the whole treatment process is like natural tooth regeneration. No longer have to worry about denture loosening, bid farewell to the trouble of missing teeth.

我喜歡治療台北病人的植牙, 我喜歡看到病人有功能良好使用愉快的牙齒, 我當然也希望恢復病人色澤亮麗形狀優美的植牙牙齦和植牙牙齒. 但是我更希望這些困擾病人的植牙牙周病不要發生. 所以我其實更喜歡告訴大家怎麼預防牙周病

Are there other options besides dental implants?........


Removable denture

Other options include removable dentures and bridges. Let’s first study removable dentures. Removable dentures are the most traditional and oldest treatment method. This method does not require abrasion of healthy and natural teeth. However, removable dentures are ok as the name suggests. Disassembled, when eating with removable dentures, the only reason to prevent it from falling out is the use of iron hooks to hang on other healthy teeth and the adhesion of saliva.

Patients with movable dentures have a longer adaptation period, because the chewing force is partly borne by the gums. Although the production process is simple, it is the most needed in all denture designs because the hard metal and plastic press on the gums. Adjusted. In the future, with the shrinkage of gums and bones, the adhesion between the movable denture and the gums will become worse, and the denture must be repaired regularly. Once the adhesion is too poor, the movable denture must be redone.

Moving dentures video

Advantages: simple production and economical cost.


1. After each meal, you must remember to take it down and clean it wherever it is, and then take it back. Its name is "active" dentures, so the dentures will move when eating, and patients will complain that the food will run between the dentures and the gums. Meals must be removed and cleaned. If they are not kept clean, it will cause what remains. Of teeth are prone to cavities and periodontal disease. It is indeed inconvenient to use.

2. When you eat with removable dentures, the gums will be uncomfortable. Because the force of eating will be directly transferred to the gums. In the end, the tender gums will bear most of the large bite force.

3. When wearing removable dentures, the foreign body sensation is relatively large. Speech will have a big tongue. Because removable dentures need a steel frame to support the plastic teeth on them, whether it is missing one tooth or two, in order to share the power of eating. It needs The teeth that span to the other side. Of all the denture designs, the movable denture is the largest.

4. Sometimes the metal objects are exposed and the appearance is not good. Just like the metal hook we just mentioned is the protagonist of the movable denture design. Without it, the movable denture will fall off more easily, but it will produce bad effects in terms of aesthetics.

5. Unable to restore all chewing functions. The adaptation period is longer than that of fixed dentures, especially movable dentures with missing teeth at the back, because the mucosa cannot be evenly stressed, and ulcers are often present during the adaptation period.

Movable dentures usually have a metal frame and gum-colored plastic. According to your needs, your dentist will design a set of removable dentures for you. A set of partial dentures will have metal frames and metal hooks attached to your teeth. Please consult with your dentist to find out which type best suits your expectations.

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What should I expect from removable dentures? .....

1. At the beginning, your new denture may feel awkward or bulky. this is normal.

2. The movements of taking up and down will require some practice.

3. Follow all instructions given by your dentist. Your denture should be aligned first, and then put in the end with your hands. Never use bite force to force the denture in place. This may distort the metal frame or break the metal hook.

4. Your dentist will give you specific instructions on removable dentures, for example; How long should the dentures be worn? And when should they be taken off for rest?

5. After the denture is put on, if there is too much pressure on a certain area, that area will cause pain. Your dentist will need to adjust your removable dentures to make it more comfortable for you.

6. Diet: Start by cutting food into small pieces and eating softer food. Chew with your teeth on both sides to keep the pressure on both sides even. Avoid sticky or hard foods.

7. If you find some words that are difficult to pronounce, please practice reading aloud. Repeat the practice for the words that are causing you trouble. Over time, you will get used to speaking with your removable dentures.

The American Dental Association’s official view of removable dentures:

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1. I am more interested in dental implants, please take me there first!

WHAT IS IMPLANT IN ENGLISH. Implant is a very expensive screw that you place into your jaw bone, sounds scary? Well it is not, it should not hurt more than having your wisdom tooth extracted or having a root canal, oops, bad analogies. All kidding aside, t

2. I am not interested in removable dentures. Are there other options besides implants?

人工植牙英文This is a really good site discussing Implant process, types, differences are all included. If you live in Taipei Taiwan, we offer services in English. as I was born in Windsor Ont. Canada. all the Canadian in Taiwan.

3. There are elderly people around me with removable dentures, I want to print these professional knowledge to them!

Daily knowledge:

Do you know what is the most common reason to remake removable dentures?

............. Lost by the patient !

Caring for your denture
你要搜尋台北植牙費用,植牙費用的相關資料嗎?您花了很多時間浪費了很多時間在空轉嗎?進來這個網頁,學一點東西吧!關於錢,我現在是很想找一個更好的形容詞,但就像簡至宏說的一分錢 一分貨.
  • Before cleaning removable dentures, it is a good idea to put some water in the sink or throw on a folded towel. Just in case you accidentally drop your dentures while cleaning your dentures, water or towels will have a cushioning effect.

  • Brush your dentures every day to remove food. Can reduce movable dentures to become permanently stained.

  • Avoid using hard bristles to damage dentures.

  • When cleaning your dentures, please thoroughly rinse off loose food particles. Brush the surface of the denture gently to avoid damaging the plastic or metal hooks.

  • At night, the denture should be placed in soaking solution or water. If it is not kept moist. Dentures may lose their proper shape.

  • Do not chew, swallow denture cleaner.


  • With time and with age, it is necessary to adjust dentures. Your mouth will change naturally, and your bones and gum ridges will shrink, which may affect the fit of the denture. And lead to inappropriate dentures.

  • Incompatible dentures should be adjusted by your dentist. Improper dentures can cause various problems, including ulcers or infections.

你最喜歡殺價嗎?人工植體是不能夠殺價的,人工植牙的價格也是不能因人而異的,我的因人而異是,有錢或沒有錢價錢都應該要一樣,因為世界一定要公平. 但如果你可以證明給我看,你是一個配合度很高,��很尊敬黃異臼醫生的病人.而且你又給證明給我看,真心誠意的想要植牙但真的費用不夠.我一定會考慮
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Chapter 2::牙橋?
RICH CONTENT, ORIGINAL CONTENT台北原創內容詳細解說,穿插在層次不起的網頁中。您累了嗎?我替你看了都累了。在這麼多的,中到底要選擇哪一個系統?是植牙還是傳統的牙橋比較好?人工植牙市場的分析其實並不難,只要你了解內容其實並沒有那麼複雜,人工植牙的過程,人工植牙系統會在這裡詳細的替你解說.

Chapter 2:

Other options...tooth bridge?

After we have studied removable dentures, if you feel that it is not the most suitable for your needs. There is another option, and that is the dental bridge. Let us use the diagram below to explain what is a tooth? In this case, the patient lost one tooth (1). After the anesthetic is applied, the doctor will grind the front tooth and the back tooth in the missing tooth area (2). Why do you have to grind your teeth down before you can make a bridge? That is because the bridge itself has a thickness. If the teeth are not ground down first, the dentures made in the future will be very large and not close together. At your next visit, the doctor can stick the bridge to the trimmed teeth (3,4).

At first sounds, dental bridge is indeed an ideal choice. It does not require surgery (except sometimes the broken tooth needs to be pulled out first), and the bridge is about one week from the beginning to the completion of the treatment. This is why, throughout the history of dentistry, dental bridges have slowly replaced movable dentures. The dental bridge is much more comfortable to use than removable dentures, because it does not move when chewing, and because it does not move, patients tend to bite more pieces. The bridge is fixed on healthy teeth, so our delicate gums will not be injured when it is stressed.

Before doing the bridge...

A few things you must know!

There are many options for dental treatment of missing teeth. The traditional way to reconstruct the occlusal function is to grind the adjacent teeth in the missing tooth area and use them as pillars to connect the front and back teeth, which is called a bridge. Because the bridge is made of natural teeth with intact structure, it is not easy to clean the bridge in the future, which may lead to a higher incidence of periodontal disease and secondary tooth decay.

1.   Bridge .... If we are not so familiar with the design of dental bridges, let us use the common "bridge" to explain more. The reason why a bridge will not be afraid of wind and rain, bear hardships and stand hard work, and bear all the strength on the bridge. Because it has good, strong piers. In the design of the dental bridge, the pier is the front and rear teeth that are ground down. Therefore, in assessing whether it is suitable for a bridge, the first thing that needs to be assessed most is the front and back teeth with missing teeth. These teeth must be very strong, because they will not only have to bear its own bite force in the future, but also bear the force of the missing tooth area.

2. Hard hat ... As we just mentioned, one of the necessary actions to make a bridge is to grind the teeth down. When a doctor has done too many dental bridges, he may start to worry, even sad! Why did the dental bridge that I made so close at the beginning still start to go wrong with the years? In fact, the most beautiful part of a tooth is enamel. It is the hardest and strong part exposed to the cruel mouth. It is the safety helmet of the tooth. It protects us, makes us not afraid of cold or heat, and makes us difficult Tooth decay?

But because of the dental bridge, the most important helmet had to be removed. It is impossible for bridges to be tight forever. All bridges are glued together. The glue will loosen one day. But that day, because there was no safety helmet protection, only the fragile dentin (the layer below the enamel) was left, and the more fragile nerves were waiting at the end. In other words, once the bridge had a problem, the bacteria could shorten Within time, causing rapid damage to the enveloping teeth.

3. Excessive stress ... In the course of tens of millions of years of human evolution, the organ of teeth has become more and more advanced. As it evolves, it adapts more and more to the new human environment. But one thing it cannot adapt to is excessive stress. Each tooth has its corresponding root, and the force range set by each root is limited. When we were doing dental bridges, there should have been three roots to support the design, but now there are only two to bear all the strength. Therefore, for mechanical analysis, because of the loss of its own teeth, it is necessary to rely on the support of the adjacent teeth to make the bridge. Once the bridge is overstressed, bad things will happen! But this is inevitable.

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The following video will help you have a better understanding of dental implants

台北人工植牙價錢,人工植牙品牌. 最聰明的你就如最聰明的燈泡,台北人工植牙價錢決定好了嗎?女人們,你需要一個溫柔的牙醫師嗎?男人們,你需要一個有肩膀的男醫生嗎?不要懷疑你已經找到你要的診所了!
Anatomy of the tooth



1. The most durable enamel (the part that needs to be worn away) provides the first line of protection.
2. Dentin, weak in structure, very easy to cavities, second line of protection.
3. Fragile nerves


For English implant cost, process, brand and any other questions. Please call us at Toronto Dental clinic, Taipei Taiwan. 0225703456. We will provide you with English speaking services.

This is an early diving helmet used to protect divers and the most important structure to protect humans. Just like the meaning of enamel to protect nerves. In order to make the dental bridge, the healthy helmet is removed (tooth grinding small) to achieve the purpose of treatment. In the future, once the edge of the denture is broken by bacteria, the internal structure is almost irresistible. This problem is what worries most doctors and patients. Before deciding to do a dental bridge, please remember to ask your doctor for all the details, because once the teeth have been extensively trimmed, this decision cannot be changed.

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If I have made a dental bridge,

What should I pay attention to?

1. Fixed dentures (dental bridges) are not suitable for biting too hard things, such as bones, ice cubes, etc., otherwise it may increase the risk of tooth fracture. In addition to the excessive stress we just mentioned, we have to remember most The outer layer of the denture is porcelain. Just like the porcelain in our daily life, she is most afraid of bumping into something as hard as her.


2. Cleaning is basically the same as general oral cleaning. Brush your teeth and use dental floss. But because the crowns of the dental bridge are connected, it may be inconvenient to use dental floss because there is no way to go directly through the occlusal surface. In the case of large gaps between teeth, it is recommended to use an interdental brush to achieve the cleaning effect. You can also use three-in-one dental floss, because its ends are relatively hard and can pass between the teeth to achieve the effect of flossing. .

3-in-1 dental floss

3. The crowns of the dental bridge are connected, which makes it difficult to clean the interdental spaces near the gums, which is prone to periodontal disease. When the patient chooses denture materials that tend to be inexpensive, inferior metal is more likely to cause a greater risk of secondary tooth decay. Once one of the teeth is in condition, the entire set of bridges needs to be remade.


4. How long can the dental bridge be used ... often people ask how long a dental bridge can be used. In fact, this question is difficult to answer because of everyone’s eating habits, oral hygiene, and occlusion. Whether it is grinding or not, it will affect the success rate of a fixed denture. According to statistics, it is mainly because of dental caries and periodontal disease, and then because of tooth fracture. But based on the principles discussed above, the bridge has problems. The probability is much higher than that of a single denture. Another very important reason that most doctors ignore is that some patients have a high rate of tooth decay, and the failure rate of these patients after the bridge is higher than that of the general public. However, high tooth decay caused by physical fitness Rate is very difficult to change, the only thing we can do is try to help her keep it clean.

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4. Canada 's democracy and culture are conservative, and her medical school education is no exception. From the first day of medical school, the teacher has continued to teach us to be "conservative", and the teeth that can be retained must be retained as much as possible, no matter what, not to cause greater damage. Although the intention of the dental bridge is good, sometimes it does violate these principles in its production process!

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Why does tooth decay still occur after installing false teeth?

"Why do you still have tooth decay if you have dentures?" In fact, as long as the teeth are still there, tooth decay may occur, and because tooth decay occurs near the edge of the denture, it is more difficult to find. When it is discovered, it is already serious. Fixed dentures are adhered to the teeth, there will be tiny gaps, after long-term use, the adhesive may be partially dissolved, and if the oral hygiene is not maintained, food residues and bacteria will remain in it, so To be able to use fixed dentures for a long time, oral cleaning is more important!


There will be tiny gaps

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