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 最後更新: 2023 08 14
楓葉, 多倫多牙醫診所 logo, 台北植牙,全瓷冠

Toronto Dental Clinic


Dr. I-Jo Huang  and Actor
MOVIE STAR and Dr. I-Jo Huang

Implant & Orthodontics

All-ceramic crown center

Toronto Dental Clinic has innovative and advanced dental implant medical equipment , complete medical services and quality, years of rich experience in diagnosis and treatment, and a lineup of doctors with various expertise. All medical staff uphold the care and patience, so that you have the most comfortable quality of medical treatment. Professional and comfortable medical environment, located in the East District of Taipei City, Toronto is an advanced and sophisticated e-dentist clinic. Not only provide professional dental treatment, but also prepare a comfortable and stress-free personal consultation space.

Canadian dental implants and Harvard University orthodontics authority , personally share orthodontic & implant costs ,

Process and sequelae . The most recommended dental implant authority will also explain in detail the minimally invasive dental implants, sleeping dentists and how to avoid failure!

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❤️極致、精品❤️ 👉👉👉<顛覆新思維、植牙新訣竅>

🔥🔥🔥2023社團法人台灣牙醫植體醫學會TAID x NTAID會員大會暨國際學術研討會!!!



Greeting flower 黃異臼院長 北台灣植體醫學會 理事長
2022 植體醫學會 理事長

多倫多牙醫診所 黃異臼院長
榮任 北台灣植體醫學會 理事長


2022 Keynote Speaker

台灣亞台植牙醫學會APAID今年年會將於8/13、14在福華文教會館 前瞻廳舉辦年會,非常榮幸邀請到北台灣牙醫植體醫學會NTAID理事長 黃異臼醫師擔任keynote speaker,歡迎各位醫師參加。

2022 GAO植牙實作課程
2022 教學

  ✨ GAO Basic Implant Hands-on Course ✨
  🎊 GAO植牙實作課程 🎊
  🎉 台北梯次強勢來襲 🎉 


📢 地點:福華國際文教會館


2022 北台灣牙醫植體醫學會 實作班
2022 實作班
2022 北台灣牙醫植體醫學會 實作班
植牙 19th ppsi.jpg
2020 3D minimally invasive dental implant

In the process of dental implantation, one of the most important links is how to accurately place the implant in the correct position. With the continuous advancement of technology, our clinic first uses tomography to collect the position and structure of the teeth and face. Then use computer software to make a surgical guide, and use this surgical guide to lead the mass to a position with almost no error during surgery.


Finland special tomography machine
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Many patients will ask me, "Doctor Huang, you are so tired at work, why do you still go to lecture?". In fact, the idea in my mind is that I cannot be young forever, and I hope to share my experience with the next generation. I know I don’t have much time to rest. While others were still sleeping, I was already on the high-speed rail to the destination of my next speech.

But everything is worth it. Personal success is not sustainable. It is my dream to continuously cultivate the next generation.

Every pt is is forever pt

heart and hand

I treat every pt as if they are going to be with me forever.


Speech at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Taiwan Dental Implant Society:

Every time we see some beautiful clinical photos, we can't help but ask: How is this done? Behind these exquisite masterpieces, there must be a place for us to learn. For this reason, we invited a Japanese dentist, a graduate student in the United States, and also a lecturer at USC University of Southern California, SATO Shoko, and Both Canadian dentist and Dr. Huang Yijiao who practiced in Taiwan have complete academic experience, a well-known instructor, and practice experience in more than two environments. They have completed some enviable perfect cases.

候診區 多倫多牙醫診所 tiny
診療區 多倫多牙醫診所
加拿大國旗. 牙周病, 植牙及矯正諮詢服務 Tiny
1998 Graduation Picture Tiny
診療區 多倫多牙醫診所
牙醫植牙患者 耐心的牙科及牙醫

Clinic concept


At the Toronto Orthodontic and Implant Clinic, the service concept of our clinic is to lead Canada's advanced professional medical concepts and standards into Taiwan's medical service quality. Here we provide a comfortable and spacious medical environment, advanced technology hardware equipment combined with the concept of love, patience, and respect for the customer as the service purpose.

Periodontal disease, all-ceramic crowns ,   Dental implant

Our medical team brings pleasure and peace of mind to patients who are afraid of seeing their teeth, including periodontal disease, orthodontics, and artificial dental implants, all within the scope of our full range of dental services.

The Toronto Dental Clinic was opened in 2005 and has served from the first patient to more than 10,000 patients so far. The word-of-mouth and praise of the patients is the driving force of our service. You are not only our patient, you are also our precious guest.

Toronto Dental Clinic

45 Yanji Street, Taipei City

(02) 2570-3456

(02) 2570-1235



Meet Toronto in 95 seconds

Dental implant cost, implant process. You can also implant your teeth at the age of 86. Toronto dentist clinic. In this video, what is implantation will be reported in detail? Will also explain the process of implantation.

2023 新冠肺炎疫情 & 牙醫植牙診所

  1. 時常配戴口罩、勤洗手

  2. 醫療用面罩,手術衣視進行的治療使用

  3. 出入口噴灑次氯酸水

  4. 以紫外線滅菌燈及消毒鍋等設備進行器械消毒

  5. 提醒病患隨時配戴口罩

  6. 定時以酒精清潔門把、等待區、櫃台桌面、診療椅、洗手間等病患容易接觸的地方

  7. 適當維護通風系統,有助於減少汙染物的散佈

  8. 若有必要執行會產生飛沫微粒的醫療處置,可採用四手操作、高真空吸引等方式,以儘量減少噴濺及飛沫微粒。

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